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title: Compiling a Functional Language Using C++, Part 11 - Polymorphic Data Types
date: 2020-03-28T20:10:35-07:00
draft: true
tags: ["C and C++", "Functional Languages", "Compilers"]
[In part 10]({{< relref "" >}}), we managed to get our
compiler to accept functions that were polymorphically typed. However, a piece
of the puzzle is still missing: while our _functions_ can handle values
of different types, the same cannot be said for our _data types_. This means
that we cannot construct data structures that can contain arbitrary types.
While we can define and use a list of integers, if we want to also have a
list of booleans, we must copy all of our constructors and define a new data type.
Worse, not only do we have to duplicate the constructors, but also all the functions
that operate on the list. As far as our compiler is concerned, a list of
integers and a list of booleans are entirely different beasts, and cannot
be operated on by the same code.
To make polymorphic data types possible, we must extend our language (and type
system) a little. We will now allow for something like this:
data List a = { Nil, Cons a List }
In the above snippet, we are no longer declaring a single type, but a collection
of related types, __parameterized__ by a type `a`. Any type can take the place
of `a` to get a list containing that type of element.
Then, `List Int` is a type,
as is `List Bool` and `List (List Int)`. The constructors in the snippet also
get polymorphic types:
{{< latex >}}
\text{Nil} : \forall a \; . \; \text{List} \; a \\
\text{Cons} : \forall a \; . \; a \rightarrow \text{List} \; a \rightarrow \text{List} \; a
{{< /latex >}}
When you call `Cons`, the type of the resulting list varies with the type of element
you pass in. The empty list `Nil` is a valid list of any type, since, well, it's
Let's talk about `List` itself, now. I suggest that we ponder the following table:
\\(\\text{List}\\) is not a type; it must be followed up with arguments, like \\(\\text{List} \\; \\text{Int}\\).|\\(\\text{Cons}\\) is not a list; it must be followed up with arguments, like \\(\\text{Cons} \\; 3 \\; \\text{Nil}\\).
\\(\\text{List} \\; \\text{Int}\\) is in its simplest form.|\\(\\text{Cons} \\; 3 \\; \\text{Nil}\\) is in its simplest form.
\\(\\text{List} \\; \\text{Int}\\) is a type.|\\(\\text{Cons} \\; 3 \\; \\text{Nil}\\) is a value of type \\(\\text{List} \\; \\text{Int}\\).
I hope that the similarities are quite striking. I claim that
`List` is quite similar to a constructor `Cons`, except that it occurs
in a different context: whereas `Cons` is a way to create values,
`List` is a way to create types. Indeed, while we call `Cons` a constructor,
it's typical to call `List` a __type constructor__.
We know that `Cons` is a function which
assigns to values (like `3` and `Nil`) other values (like `Cons 3 Nil`, or `[3]` for
short). In a similar manner, `List` can be thought of as a function
that assigns to types (like `Int`) other types (like `List Int`). We can
even claim that it has a type:
{{< latex >}}
\text{List} : \text{Type} \rightarrow \text{Type}
{{< /latex >}}
{{< sidenote "right" "dependent-types-note" "Unless we get really wacky," >}}
When your type constructors take as input not only other types but also values
such as <code>3</code>, you've ventured into the territory of
<a href="">dependent types</a>.
This is a significant step up in complexity from what we'll be doing in this
series. If you're interested, check out
<a href="">Idris</a> (if you want to know about dependent types
for functional programming) or <a href="">Coq</a> (to see how
propositions and proofs can be encoded in a dependently typed language).
{{< /sidenote >}}
our type constructors will only take zero or more types as input, and produce
a type as output. In this case, writing \\(\\text{Type}\\) becomes quite repetitive,
and we will adopt the convention of writing \\(*\\) instead. The types of such
constructors are called [kinds](
Let's look at a few examples, just to make sure we're on the same page:
* The kind of \\(\\text{Bool}\\) is \\(*\\): it does not accept any
type arguments, and is a type in its own right.
* The kind of \\(\\text{List}\\) is \\(*\\rightarrow *\\): it takes
one argument (the type of the things inside the list), and creates
a type from it.
* If we define a pair as `data Pair a b = { MkPair a b }`, then its
kind is \\(* \\rightarrow * \\rightarrow *\\), because it requires
two parameters.
As one final observation, we note that effectively, all we're doing is
tracking the [arity]( of the constructor
Let's now enumerate all the possible forms that (mono)types can take in our system:
1. A type can be a placeholder, like \\(a\\), \\(b\\), etc.
2. A type can be a type constructor, applied to
{{< sidenote "right" "zero-more-note" "zero ore more arguments," >}}
It is convenient to treat regular types (like \(\text{Bool}\)) as
type constructors of arity 0 (that is, type constructors with kind \(*\)).
In effect, they take zero arguments and produce types (themselves).
{{< /sidenote >}} such as \\(\\text{List} \; \\text{Int}\\) or \\(\\text{Bool}\\).
3. A function from one type to another, like \\(\\text{List} \\; a \\rightarrow \\text{Int}\\).
Polytypes (type schemes) in our system can be all of the above, but may also include a "forall"
quantifier at the front, generalizing the type (like \\(\\forall a \\; . \\; \\text{List} \\; a \\rightarrow \\text{Int}\\)).
Let's start implementing all of this. Why don't we start with the change to the syntax of our language?
We have complicated the situation quite a bit. Let's take a look at the _old_ grammar
for data type declarations (this is going back as far as [part 2]({{< relref "" >}})).
Here, \\(L\_D\\) is the nonterminal for the things that go between the curly braces of a data type
declaration, \\(D\\) is the nonterminal representing a single constructor definition,
and \\(L\_U\\) is a list of zero or more uppercase variable names:
{{< latex >}}
L_D & \rightarrow D \; , \; L_D \\
L_D & \rightarrow D \\
D & \rightarrow \text{upperVar} \; L_U \\
L_U & \rightarrow \text{upperVar} \; L_U \\
L_U & \rightarrow \epsilon
{{< /latex >}}
This grammar was actually too simple even for our monomorphically typed language!
Since functions are not represented using a single uppercase variable, it wasn't possible for us
to define constructors that accept as arguments anything other than integers and user-defined
data types. Now, we also need to modify this grammar to allow for constructor applications (which can be nested!)
To do so, we will define a new nonterminal, \\(Y\\), for types:
{{< latex >}}
Y & \rightarrow N \; ``\rightarrow" Y \\
Y & \rightarrow N
{{< /latex >}}
We make it right-recursive (because the \\(\\rightarrow\\) operator is right-associative). Next, we define
a nonterminal for all types _except_ those constructed with the arrow, \\(N\\).
{{< latex >}}
N & \rightarrow \text{upperVar} \; L_Y \\
N & \rightarrow \text{typeVar} \\
N & \rightarrow ( Y )
{{< /latex >}}
The first of the above rules allows a type to be a constructor applied to zero or more arguments
(generated by \\(L\_Y\\)). The second rule allows a type to be a placeholder type variable. Finally,
the third rule allows for any type (including functions, again) to occur between parentheses.
This is so that higher-order functions, like \\((a \rightarrow b) \rightarrow a \rightarrow a \\),
can be represented.
Unfortunately, the definition of \\(L\_Y\\) is not as straightforward as we imagine. We could define
it as just a list of \\(Y\\) nonterminals, but this would make the grammar ambigous: something
like `List Maybe Int` could be interpreted as "`List`, applied to types `Maybe` and `Int`", and
"`List`, applied to type `Maybe Int`". To avoid this, we define a "type list element" \\(Y'\\),
which does not take arguments:
{{< latex >}}
Y' & \rightarrow \text{upperVar} \\
Y' & \rightarrow \text{lowerVar} \\
Y' & \rightarrow ( Y )
{{< /latex >}}
We then make \\(L\_Y\\) a list of \\(Y'\\):
{{< latex >}}
L_Y & \rightarrow Y' \; L_Y \\
L_Y & \rightarrow \epsilon
{{< /latex >}}
Finally, we update the rules for the data type declaration, as well as for a single
{{< latex >}}
T & \rightarrow \text{data} \; \text{upperVar} \; L_T = \{ L_D \} \\
D & \rightarrow \text{upperVar} \; L_Y \\
{{< /latex >}}
Now that we have a grammar for all these things, we have to implement
the corresponding data structures. We define a new family of structs,
extending `parsed_type`, which represent types as they are
received from the parser. These differ from regular types in that they
do not require that the types they represent are valid; validating
types requires two passes, which is a luxury we do not have when
parsing. We can define them as follows:
{{< codeblock "C++" "compiler/11/parsed_type.hpp" >}}
We define the conversion function `to_type`, which requires
a set of type variables quantified in the given type, and
the environment in which to look up the arities of various
type constructors. The implementation is as follows:
{{< codeblock "C++" "compiler/11/parsed_type.cpp" >}}
With this definition in hand, we can now update the grammar in our Bison file.
First things first, we'll add the type parameters to the data type definition:
{{< codelines "plaintext" "compiler/11/parser.y" 127 130 >}}
Next, we add the new grammar rules we came up with:
{{< codelines "plaintext" "compiler/11/parser.y" 138 163 >}}
Finally, we define the types for these new rules at the top of the file:
{{< codelines "plaintext" "compiler/11/parser.y" 43 44 >}}
{{< todo >}}
Nullary is not the right word.
{{< /todo >}}