Danila Fedorin 4c70e61a14 Write some more in combining lattices
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2024-05-30 22:41:15 -07:00

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Implementing and Verifying "Static Program Analysis" in Agda, Part 2: Combining Lattices Static Program Analysis in Agda In this post, I describe how lattices can be combined to create other, more complex lattices 2024-05-30T19:37:00-07:00 true
Programming Languages

In the previous post, I wrote about how lattices arise when tracking, comparing and combining static information about programs. I then showed two simple lattices: the natural numbers, and the (parameterized) "above-below" lattice, which modified an arbitrary set with "bottom" and "top" elements (\bot and (\top) respectively). One instance of the "above-below" lattice was the sign lattice, which could be used to reason about the signs (positive, negative, or zero) of variables in a program.

At the end of that post, I introduced a source of complexity: the "full" lattices that we want to use for the program analysis aren't signs or numbers, but maps of states and variables to lattice-based descriptions. The full lattice for sign analysis might something in the form:

{{< latex >}} \text{Info} \triangleq \text{ProgramStates} \to (\text{Variables} \to \text{Sign}) {{< /latex >}}

Thus, we have to compare and find least upper bounds (e.g.) of not just signs, but maps! Proving the various lattice laws for signs was not too challenging, but for for a two-level map like \text{Info} above, we'd need to do a lot more work. We need tools to build up such complicated lattices.

The way to do this, it turns out, is by using simpler lattices as building blocks. To start with, let's take a look at a very simple way of combining lattices: taking the Cartesian product.

The Cartesian Product Lattice

Suppose you have two lattices L_1 and L_2. As I covered in the previous post, each lattice comes equipped with a "least upper bound" operator ((\sqcup)) and a "greatest lower bound" operator (\sqcap). Since we now have two lattices, let's use numerical suffixes to disambiguate between the operators of the first and second lattice: (\sqcup_1) will be the LUB operator of the first lattice L_1, and (\sqcup_2) of the second lattice L_2, and so on.

Then, let's take the Cartesian product of the elements of L_1 and L_2; mathematically, we'll write this as L_1 \times L_2, and in Agda, we can just use the standard Data.Product module. Then, I'll define the lattice as another parameterized module. Since both L_1 and (L_2) are lattices, this parameterized module will require IsLattice instances for both types:

{{< codelines "Agda" "agda-spa/Lattice/Prod.agda" 1 7 >}}

Elements of L_1 \times L_2 are in the form (l_1, l_2), where l_1 \in L_1 and l_2 \in L_2. The first thing we can get out of the way is defining what it means for two such elements to be equal. Recall that we opted for a [custom equivalence relation]({{< relref "01_spa_agda_lattices#definitional-equality" >}}) instead of definitional equality to allow similar elements to be considered equal; we'll have to define a similar relation for our new product lattice. That's easy enough: we have an equality predicate _≈₁_ that checks if an element of L_1 is equal to another, and we have _≈₂_ that does the same for L_2. It's reasonable to say that pairs of elements are equal if their respective first and second elements are equal:

{{< latex >}} (l_1, l_2) \approx (j_1, j_2) \iff l_1 \approx_1 j_1 \land l_2 \approx_2 j_2 {{< /latex >}}

In Agda:

{{< codelines "Agda" "agda-spa/Lattice/Prod.agda" 39 40 >}}

Verifying that this relation has the properties of an equivalence relation boils down to the fact that _≈₁_ and _≈₂_ are themselves equivalence relations.

{{< codelines "Agda" "agda-spa/Lattice/Prod.agda" 42 48 >}}

Defining (\sqcup) and (\sqcap) by simply applying the corresponding operators from L_1 and L_2 seems quite natural as well.

{{< latex >}} (l_1, l_2) \sqcup (j_1, j_2) \triangleq (l_1 \sqcup_1 j_1, l_2 \sqcup_2 j_2) \ (l_1, l_2) \sqcap (j_1, j_2) \triangleq (l_1 \sqcap_1 j_1, l_2 \sqcap_2 j_2) {{< /latex >}}

As an example, consider the product lattice \text{Sign}\times\text{Sign}, which is made up of pairs of signs that we talked about in the previous post. Two elements of this lattice are (+, +) and (+, -). Here's how the (\sqcup) operation is evaluated on them:

{{< latex >}} (+, +) \sqcup (+, -) = (+ \sqcup + , + \sqcup -) = (+ , \top) {{< /latex >}}

In Agda, the definition is written very similarly to its mathematical form:

{{< codelines "Agda" "agda-spa/Lattice/Prod.agda" 50 54 >}}

All that's left is to prove the various (semi)lattice properties. Intuitively, we can see that since the "combined" operator _⊔_ just independently applies the element operators _⊔₁_ and _⊔₂_, as long as they are idempotent, commutative, and associative, so is the "combined" operator itself. Moreover, the proofs that _⊔_ and _⊓_ form semilattices are identical up to replacing (\sqcup) with (\sqcap). Thus, in Agda, we can write the code once, parameterizing it by the binary operators involved (and proofs that these operators obey the semilattice laws).

{{< codelines "Agda" "agda-spa/Lattice/Prod.agda" 56 82 >}}

Above, I used f₁ to stand for "either _⊔₁_ or _⊓₁_", and similarly f₂ for "either _⊔₂_ or _⊓₂_". Much like the semilattice properties, proving lattice properties boils down to applying the lattice properties of L_1 and L_2 to individual components.

{{< codelines "Agda" "agda-spa/Lattice/Prod.agda" 84 96 >}}

This concludes the definition of the product lattice, which is made up of two other lattices. If we have a type of analysis that can be expressed as {{< sidenote "right" "pair-note" "a pair of two signs," >}} Perhaps the signs are the smallest and largest possible values of a variable. {{< /sidenote >}} for example, we won't have to do all the work of proving the (semi)lattice properties of those pairs. In fact, we can build up even bigger data structures. By taking a product a product twice, like L_1 \times (L_2 \times L_3), we can construct a lattice of 3-tuples. Any of the lattices involved in that product can itself be a product; we can therefore create lattices out of arbitrary bundles of data, so long as the smallest pieces that make up the bundles are themselves lattices.

Products will come very handy a bit later in this series. For now though, our goal is to create another type of lattice: the map lattice. We will take the same approach we did with products: assuming the elements of the map are lattices, we'll prove that the map itself is a lattice. Then, just like we could put products inside products when building up lattices, we'll be able to put a map inside a map. This will allow us to represent the \text{Info} lattice, which is a map of maps.

The Map Lattice

When I say "map", what I really means is something that associates keys with values, like dictionaries in Python. This data structure need not have a value for every possible key; a very precise author might call such a map a "partial map". We might have a map whose value (in Python-ish notation) is { "x": +, "y": - }. Such a map states that the sign of the variable x is +, and the sign of variable y is -. Another possible map is { "y": +, "z": - }; this one states that the sign of y is +, and the sign of another variable z is -.

Let's start thinking about what sorts of lattices our maps will be. The thing that [motivated our introduction]({{< relref "01_spa_agda_lattices#specificity" >}}) of lattices was comparing them by "specificity", so let's try figure out how to compare maps. For that, we can begin small, by looking at singleton maps. If we have {"x": +} and {"x": }, which one of them is smaller? Well, wehave previously established that + is more specific (and thus less than) . Thus, it shouldn't be too much of a stretch to say that for singleton maps of the same key, the one with the smaller value is smaller.

Now, what about a pair of singleton maps like {"x": +} and {"y": }? Among these two, each contains some information that the other does not. Although the value of y is larger than the value of x, it describes a different key, so it seems wrong to use that to call the y-singleton "larger". Let's call these maps incompatible, then. More generally, if we have two maps and each one has a key that the other doesn't, we can't compare them.

If only one map has a unique key, though, things are different. Take for instance {"x": +} and {"x": +, "y": +}.