Danila Fedorin DanilaFe
DanilaFe pushed to main at DanilaFe/agda-spa 2024-04-08 22:49:57 -07:00
3e2719d45f Turn old proof into a hole to clean up later.
78252b6c9e Add proof of node preservation for adding edges.
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DanilaFe pushed to main at DanilaFe/agda-spa 2024-04-08 22:21:45 -07:00
85fdf544b9 Translate informal proof of (node) transitivity into formal one.
DanilaFe pushed to main at DanilaFe/agda-spa 2024-04-08 00:30:58 -07:00
4f14a7b765 Successfully prove that monotonic updates preserve existing indices
bc5b4b7d9e Explicitly write metas for missing functions
520b2b514c Clear up vector reindexing
f7ac22257e Beat head against the vector-cast wall.
b72ad070ba Try using index-based comparisons
Compare 7 commits »
DanilaFe pushed to main at DanilaFe/agda-spa 2024-04-04 22:34:38 -07:00
b505063771 Start working on proofs of Graph-related things
844c99336a Intermediate commit: add while loops and start trying to formalize them.
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DanilaFe pushed to main at DanilaFe/agda-spa 2024-03-24 12:11:10 -07:00
5d56a7ce2d Fix comments in Forward.agda
2e096bd64e Extract common parts of forward analyses into Forward.agda
1a7b2a1736 Adjust behavior of eval to not require constant 'k in vars' threading
Compare 3 commits »
DanilaFe pushed to master at Web-Projects/blog-static 2024-03-14 22:25:39 -07:00
c6e2ecb996 Add first section of Agda program analysis article
DanilaFe pushed to master at Web-Projects/blog-static 2024-03-13 16:04:33 -07:00
2130b00752 Narrow some of the tags
DanilaFe pushed to master at Web-Projects/blog-static 2024-03-13 15:06:02 -07:00
474c3a8348 Switch bracket types in Agda expression pattern post
DanilaFe pushed to master at Web-Projects/blog-static 2024-03-11 23:26:20 -07:00
29a18b8b37 Add description to expr_pattern
DanilaFe pushed to master at Web-Projects/blog-static 2024-03-11 23:21:17 -07:00
21ab4f0a8b Update theme
DanilaFe pushed to master at Web-Projects/vanilla-hugo 2024-03-11 23:20:52 -07:00
9c9ced66c3 Allow hiding code in code blocks
DanilaFe pushed to master at Web-Projects/blog-static 2024-03-11 23:16:20 -07:00
7d2842fd64 Add article about the 'deeply embedded expression' pattern
cd4c121e07 Update the theme
d0570f876e Add the SPA code as a submodule
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DanilaFe pushed to master at Web-Projects/vanilla-hugo 2024-03-11 15:50:33 -07:00
9b9a6dca5f Decorate blockquotes a bit
DanilaFe pushed to main at DanilaFe/agda-spa 2024-03-11 14:10:14 -07:00
f0da9a9020 Move more code out of Sign and into Main
040c13caba Use instances to simplify printing code
56da61b339 Delete the bundles since they did not turn out all that useful
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DanilaFe pushed to main at DanilaFe/agda-spa 2024-03-10 22:25:16 -07:00
3e88a64ed9 Add some debugging code to sign analysis to print the results
8a85c4497c Prove that evaluation is monotonic and complete sign analysis
8964ba59a1 Prove monotonicity of eval
96f3ceaeb2 Use the previous join function directly in GeneralizedUpdate
237250cf72 Stop using modules in 'Sign' analysis
Compare 11 commits »
DanilaFe pushed to main at DanilaFe/agda-spa 2024-03-09 23:50:14 -08:00
fdc40632bf Add a way to retrieve the code for a particular state
f84a1c923c Prove that the 'join' transformation is monotonic
Compare 2 commits »
DanilaFe pushed to main at DanilaFe/agda-spa 2024-03-09 21:47:19 -08:00
1b1b80465c Use named modules to avoid having to pass redundant parameters
DanilaFe pushed to main at DanilaFe/agda-spa 2024-03-09 14:10:48 -08:00
56c72e1388 Delete unused homomorphism proof that was broken by an Agda update.
0c30f8be48 Start on sign analysis (mostly just imports)
75f981cb75 Define simple sequential-only programs
ca99e18184 Tweak exports from finite value bundle to avoid (some) redundant arguments
702cf2c298 Expose more functionaity from the set lattice
Compare 9 commits »
DanilaFe pushed to main at DanilaFe/agda-spa 2024-03-07 21:54:32 -08:00
332b7616cf Prove that foldr is monotonic when input lists are pairwise monotonic
7905d106e2 Tweak signature of 'forget' to simplify proofs
34203840c8 Use the new provenance function to clean up some proofs
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DanilaFe pushed to main at DanilaFe/agda-spa 2024-03-06 00:36:09 -08:00
48983c55b1 Prove exercise 4.26 from the textbook
fa0282ff6f Prove that the identity function is monotonic
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