
15 lines
348 B
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2018-06-05 23:42:20 -07:00
* Simple edge detector circuit. Takes in a clock and a signal,
* and produces an output of 1 when the signal changes from 0 to 1.
* Otherwise, the output is 0.
2018-06-05 22:57:01 -07:00
module edge_detector(input logic in, clk,
output logic out);
logic old_in;
2018-06-05 23:42:20 -07:00
2018-06-05 22:57:01 -07:00
always_ff@(posedge clk)
old_in <= in;
2018-06-05 23:42:20 -07:00
2018-06-05 22:57:01 -07:00
assign out = in & ~old_in;
2018-06-05 23:42:20 -07:00