Finish draft of post 8 in compiler series

This commit is contained in:
Danila Fedorin 2019-11-06 21:10:53 -08:00
parent 1a8a1c3052
commit 50fbe3e196
9 changed files with 369 additions and 40 deletions

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@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
defn main = { plus 320 6 }
defn plus x y = { x + y }
defn main = { sum 320 6 }
defn sum x y = { x + y }

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@ -5,3 +5,4 @@ defn length l = {
Cons x xs -> { 1 + length xs }
defn main = { length (Cons 1 (Cons 2 (Cons 3 Nil))) }

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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
data List = { Nil, Cons Int List }
defn add x y = { x + y }
defn mul x y = { x * y }
defn foldr f b l = {
case l of {
Nil -> { b }
Cons x xs -> { f x (foldr f b xs) }
defn main = {
foldr add 0 (Cons 1 (Cons 2 (Cons 3 (Cons 4 Nil)))) +
foldr mul 1 (Cons 1 (Cons 2 (Cons 3 (Cons 4 Nil))))

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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
data List = { Nil, Cons Int List }
defn sumZip l m = {
case l of {
Nil -> { 0 }
Cons x xs -> {
case m of {
Nil -> { 0 }
Cons y ys -> { x + y + sumZip xs ys }
defn ones = { Cons 1 ones }
defn main = { sumZip ones (Cons 1 (Cons 2 (Cons 3 Nil))) }

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@ -108,12 +108,12 @@ void output_llvm(llvm_context& ctx, const std::string& filename) {
std::error_code ec;
llvm::raw_fd_ostream file(filename, ec, llvm::sys::fs::F_None);
if (ec) {
std::cerr << "Could not open output file: " << ec.message() << std::endl;
throw 0;
} else {
llvm::TargetMachine::CodeGenFileType type = llvm::TargetMachine::CGFT_ObjectFile;
llvm::legacy::PassManager pm;
if (targetMachine->addPassesToEmitFile(pm, file, NULL, type)) {
std::cerr << "Unable to emit target code" << std::endl;
throw 0;
} else {;
@ -136,7 +136,6 @@ void gen_llvm(const std::vector<definition_ptr>& prog) {
for(auto& definition : prog) {
ctx.module.print(llvm::outs(), nullptr);
output_llvm(ctx, "program.o");

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@ -139,3 +139,5 @@ Here are the posts that I've written so far for this series:
* [Small Improvements]({{< relref "" >}})
* [Execution]({{< relref "" >}})
* [Compilation]({{< relref "" >}})
* [Runtime]({{< relref "" >}})
* [LLVM]({{< relref "" >}})

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@ -286,7 +286,7 @@ struct, called `type_data`:
When we create types from `definition_data`, we tag the corresponding constructors:
{{< codelines "C++" "compiler/06/definition.cpp" 53 69 >}}
{{< codelines "C++" "compiler/06/definition.cpp" 54 71 >}}
Ah, but adding constructor info to the type doesn't solve the problem.
Once we performed type checking, we don't keep
@ -407,11 +407,12 @@ We also add a `compile` method to definitions, since they contain
our AST nodes. The method is empty for `defn_data`, and
looks as follows for `definition_defn`:
{{< codelines "C++" "compiler/06/definition.cpp" 44 51 >}}
{{< codelines "C++" "compiler/06/definition.cpp" 44 52 >}}
Notice that we terminate the function with Update. This
Notice that we terminate the function with Update and Pop. This
will turn the `ast_app` node that served as the "root"
of the application into an indirection to the value that we have computed.
Doing so will also remove all "scratch work" from the stack.
In essense, this is how we can lazily evaluate expressions.
Finally, we make a function in our `main.cpp` file to compile
@ -436,12 +437,16 @@ PushInt(320)
The first sequence of instructions is clearly `main`. It creates
@ -474,13 +479,14 @@ Jump(
We push the first (and only) parameter onto the stack. We then make
@ -496,4 +502,4 @@ into G-machine code. We're not done, however - our computers
aren't G-machines. We'll need to compile our G-machine code to
__machine code__ (we will use LLVM for this), implement the
__runtime__, and develop a __garbage collector__. We'll
tackle the first of these in the next post - see you there!
tackle the first of these in the next post - [Part 7 - Runtime]({{< relref "" >}}).

View File

@ -158,4 +158,4 @@ that going, we be able to compile our code!
Next time, we will start work on converting our G-machine instructions
into machine code. We will set up LLVM and get our very first
fully functional compiled programs in Part 8 - LLVM.
fully functional compiled programs in [Part 8 - LLVM]({{< relref "" >}}).

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@ -54,8 +54,6 @@ a `Module` object, which represents some collection of code and declarations
{{< codeblock "C++" "compiler/08/llvm_context.hpp" >}}
{{< todo >}} Explain creation functions. {{< /todo >}}
We include the LLVM context, builder, and module as members
of the context struct. Since the builder and the module need
the context, we initialize them in the constructor, where they
@ -118,10 +116,46 @@ for specifying the body of `node_base` and `node_app`.
There's still more functionality packed into `llvm_context`.
Let's next take a look into `custom_function`, and
the `create_custom_function` method. Why do we need
these? To highlight the need for the custom class,
let's take a look at `instruction_pushglobal` which
occurs at the G-machine level, and then at `alloc_global`,
which will be a function call generated as part of
the PushGlobal instruction. `instruction_pushglobal`'s
only member variable is `name`, which stands for
the name of the global function it's referencing. However,
`alloc_global` requires an arity argument! We can
try to get this information from the `llvm::Function`
corresponding to the global we're trying to reference,
but this doesn't get us anywhere: as far as LLVM
is concerned, any global function only takes one
parameter, the stack. The rest of the parameters
are given through that stack, and their number cannot
be easily deduced from the function alone.
Instead, we decide to store global functions together
with their arity. We thus create a class to combine
these two things (`custom_function`), define
a map from global function names to instances
of `custom_function`, and add a convenience method
(`create_custom_function`) that takes care of
constructing an `llvm::Function` object, creating
a `custom_function`, and storing it in the map.
The implementation for `custom_function` is
{{< codelines "C++" "compiler/08/llvm_context.cpp" 234 252 >}}
We create a function type, then a function, and finally
initialize a `custom_function`. There's one thing
we haven't seen yet in this function, which is the
`BasicBlock` class. We'll get to what basic blocks
are shortly, but for now it's sufficient to
know that the basic block gives us a place to
insert code.
This isn't the end of our `llvm_context` class: it also
has a variety of `create_*` methods! Let's take a look
has a variety of other `create_*` methods! Let's take a look
at their signatures. Most return either `void`,
`llvm::ConstantInt*`, or `llvm::Value*`. Since
`llvm::ConstantInt*` is a subclass of `llvm::Value*`, let's
@ -168,7 +202,7 @@ Assigned to each variable is `llvm::Value`. The LLVM documentation states:
It's important to understand that `llvm::Value` __does not store the result of the computation__.
It rather represents how something may be computed. 1 is a value because it computed by
just returning. `x + 1` is a value because it is computed by adding the value inside of
just returning 1. `x + 1` is a value because it is computed by adding the value inside of
`x` to 1. Since we cannot modify a variable once we've declared it, we will
keep assigning intermediate results to new variables, constructing new values
out of values that we've already specified.
@ -251,36 +285,27 @@ represented by the pointer, while the second offset
gives the index of the field we want to access. We
want to dereference the pointer (`num_pointer[0]`),
and we want the second field (`1`, when counting from 0).
Thus, we call CreateGEP with these offsets and our pointers.
Thus, we call `CreateGEP` with these offsets and our pointers.
This still leaves us with a pointer to a number, rather
than the number itself. To dereference the pointer, we use
`CreateLoad`. This gives us the value of the number node,
which we promptly return.
Let's envision a `gen_llvm` method on the `instruction` struct.
We need access to all the other functions from our runtime,
such as `stack_init`, and functions from our program such
as `f_custom_function`. Thus, we need access to our
`llvm_context`. The current basic block is part
of the builder, which is part of the context, so that's
also taken care of. There's only one more thing that we will
need, and that's access to the `llvm::Function` that's
currently being compiled. To understand why, consider
the signature of `f_main` from the previous post:
This concludes our implementation of the `llvm_context` -
it's time to move on to the G-machine instructions.
void f_main(struct stack*);
### G-machine Instructions to LLVM IR
The function takes a stack as a parameter. What if
we want to try use this stack in a method call, like
`stack_push(s, node)`? We need to have access to the
LLVM representation of the stack parameter. The easiest
way to do this is to use `llvm::Function::arg_begin()`,
which gives the first argument of the function. We thus
carry the function pointer throughout our code generation
Let's now envision a `gen_llvm` method on the `instruction` struct,
which will turn the still-abstract G-machine instruction
into tangible, close-to-metal LLVM IR. As we've seen
in our implementation of `llvm_context`, to access the stack, we need access to the first
argument of the function we're generating. Thus, we need this method
to accept the function whose instructions are
being converted to LLVM. We also pass in the
`llvm_context`, since it contains the LLVM builder,
context, module, and a map of globally declared functions.
With these things in mind, here's the signature for `gen_llvm`:
@ -288,4 +313,267 @@ With these things in mind, here's the signature for `gen_llvm`:
virtual void gen_llvm(llvm_context&, llvm::Function*) const;
{{< todo >}} Fix pointer type inconsistencies. {{< /todo >}}
Let's get right to it! `instruction_pushint` gives us an easy
{{< codelines "C++" "compiler/08/instruction.cpp" 17 19 >}}
We create an LLVM integer constant with the value of
our integer, and push it onto the stack.
`instruction_push` is equally terse:
{{< codelines "C++" "compiler/08/instruction.cpp" 37 39 >}}
We simply peek at the value of the stack at the given
offset (an integer of the same size as `size_t`, which
we create using `create_size`). Once we have the
result of the peek, we push it onto the stack.
`instruction_pushglobal` is more involved. Let's take a look:
{{< codelines "C++" "compiler/08/instruction.cpp" 26 30 >}}
First, we retrive the `custom_function` associated with
the given global name. We then create an LLVM integer
constant representing the arity of the function,
and then push onto the stack the result of `alloc_global`,
giving it the function and arity just like it expects.
`instruction_pop` is also short, and doesn't require much
further explanation:
{{< codelines "C++" "compiler/08/instruction.cpp" 46 48 >}}
Some other instructions, such as `instruction_update`,
`instruction_pack`, `instruction_split`, `instruction_slide`,
`instruction_alloc` and `instruction_eval` are equally as simple,
and we omit them for the purpose of brevity.
What remains are two "meaty" functions, `instruction_jump` and
`instruction_binop`. Let's start with the former:
{{< codelines "C++" "compiler/08/instruction.cpp" 101 123 >}}
This is the one and only function in which we have to take
care of control flow. Conceptually, depending on the tag
of the `node_data` at the top of the stack, we want
to pick one of many branches and jump to it.
As we discussed, a basic block has to be executed in
its entirety; since the branches of a case expression
are mutually exclusive (only one of them is executed in any given case),
we have to create a separate basic block for each branch.
Given these blocks, we then want to branch to the correct one
using the tag of the node on top of the stack.
This is exactly what we do in this function. We first peek
at the node on top of the stack, and use `CreateGEP` through
`unwrap_data_tag` to get access to its tag. What we then
need is LLVM's switch instruction, created using `CreateSwitch`.
We must provide the switch with a "default" case in case
the tag value is something we don't recognize. To do this,
we create a "safety" `BasicBlock`. With this new safety
block in hand, we're able to call `CreateSwitch`, giving it
the tag value to switch on, the safety block to default to,
and the expected number of branches (to optimize memory allocation).
Next, we create a vector of blocks, and for each branch,
we append to it a corresponding block `branch_block`, into
which we insert the LLVM IR corresponding to the
instructions of the branch. No matter the branch we take,
we eventually want to come back to the same basic block,
which will perform the usual function cleanup via Update and Slide.
We re-use the safety block for this, and use `CreateBr` at the
end of each `branch_block` to perform an unconditional jump.
After we create each of the blocks, we use the `tag_mappings`
to add cases to the switch instruction, using `addCase`. Finally,
we set the builder's insertion point to the safety block,
meaning that the next instructions will insert their
LLVM IR into that block. Since we have all branches
jump to the safety block at the end, this means that
no matter which branch we take in the case expression,
we will still execute the subsequent instructions as expected.
Let's now look at `instruction_binop`:
{{< codelines "C++" "compiler/08/instruction.cpp" 139 150 >}}
In this instruction, we pop and unwrap two integers from
the stack (assuming they are integers). Depending on
the type of operation the instruction is set to, we
then push the result of the corresponding LLVM
instruction. `PLUS` calls LLVM's `CreateAdd` to insert
addition, `MINUS` calls `CreateSub`, and so on. No matter
what the operation was, we push the result onto the stack.
That's all for our instructions! We're so very close now. Let's
move on to compiling definitions.
### Definitions to LLVM IR
As with typechecking, to allow for mutually recursive functions,
we need to be able each global function from any other function.
We then take the same approah as before, going in two passes.
This leads to two new methods for `definition`:
virtual void gen_llvm_first(llvm_context& ctx) = 0;
virtual void gen_llvm_second(llvm_context& ctx) = 0;
The first pass is intended to register all functions into
the `llvm_context`, making them visible to other functions.
The second pass is used to actually generate the code for
each function, now having access to all the other global
functions. Let's see the implementation for `gen_llvm_first`
for `definition_defn`:
{{< codelines "C++" "compiler/08/definition.cpp" 58 60 >}}
Since `create_custom_function` already creates a function
__and__ registers it with `llvm_context`, this is
all we need. Note that we created a new member variable
for `definition_defn` which stores this newly created
function. In the second pass, we will populate this
function with LLVM IR from the definition's instructions.
We actually create functions for each of the constructors
of data types, but they're quite special: all they do is
pack their arguments! Since they don't need access to
the other global functions, we might as well create
their bodies then and there:
{{< codelines "C++" "compiler/08/definition.cpp" 101 112 >}}
Like in `definition_defn`, we use `create_custom_function`.
However, we then use `SetInsertPoint` to configure our builder to insert code into
the newly created function (which already has a `BasicBlock`,
thanks to that one previously unexplained line in `create_custom_function`!).
Since we decided to only include the Pack instruction, we generate
a call to it directly using `create_pack`. We follow this
up with `CreateRetVoid`, which tells LLVM that this is
the end of the function, and that it is now safe to return
from it.
Great! We now implement the second pass of `gen_llvm`. In
the case of `definition_defn`, we do almost exactly
what we did in the first pass of `definition_data`:
{{< codelines "C++" "compiler/08/definition.cpp" 62 68 >}}
As for `definition_data`, we have nothing to do in the
second pass. We're done!
### Getting Results
We're almost there. Two things remain. The first: our implementation
of `ast_binop`, implement each binary operation as simply a function call:
`+` calls `f_plus`, and so on. But so far, we have not implemented
`f_plus`, or any other binary operator function. We do this
in `main.cpp`, creating a function `gen_llvm_internal_op`:
{{< codelines "C++" "compiler/08/main.cpp" 70 83 >}}
We create a simple function body. We then append G-machine
instructions that take each argument, evaluate it,
and then perform the corresponding binary operation.
With these instructions in the body, we insert
them into a new function, just like we did in our code
for `definition_defn` and `definition_data`.
Finally, we write our `gen_llvm` function that we will
call from `main`:
{{< codelines "C++" "compiler/08/main.cpp" 125 141 >}}
It first creates the functions for
`+`, `-`, `*`, and `/`. Then, it calls the first
pass of `gen_llvm` on all definitions, followed
by the second pass. Lastly, it uses LLVM's built-in
functionality to print out the generated IR in
our module, and then uses a function `output_llvm`
to create an object file ready for linking.
To be very honest, I took the `output_llvm` function
almost entirely from instructional material for my university's
compilers course. The gist of it, though, is: we determine
the target architecture and platform, specify a "generic" CPU,
create a default set of options, and then generate an object file.
Here it is:
{{< codelines "C++" "compiler/08/main.cpp" 85 123 >}}
We now add a `generate_llvm` call to `main`.
Are we there?
Let's try to compile our first example, `works1.txt`. The
{{< rawblock "compiler/08/examples/works1.txt" >}}
We run the following commands in our build directory:
./compiler < ../examples/work1.txt
gcc -no-pie main.c progrma.o
Nothing happens. How anticlimactic! Our runtime has no way of
printing out the result of the evaluation. Let's change that:
{{< codelines "C++" "compiler/08/runtime.c" 157 183 >}}
Rerunning our commands, we get:
Result: 326
The correct result! Let's try it with `works2.txt`:
{{< rawblock "compiler/08/examples/works2.txt" >}}
And again, we get the right answer:
Result: 326
This is child's play, though. Let's try with something
more complicated, like `works3.txt`:
{{< rawblock "compiler/08/examples/works3.txt" >}}
Once again, our program does exactly what we intended:
Result: 3
Alright, this is neat, but we haven't yet confirmed that
lazy evaluation works. How about we try it with
{{< rawblock "compiler/08/examples/works5.txt" >}}
Yet again, the program works:
Result: 9
At last, we have a working compiler!
While this is a major victory, we are not yet
finished with the compiler altogether. While
we allocate nodes whenever we need them, we
have not once uttered the phrase `free` in our
runtime. Our language works, but we have no way
of comparing numbers, no lambdas, no `let/in`.
In the next several posts, we will improve
our compiler to properly free unused memory
usign a __garbage collector__, implement
lambda functions using __lambda lifting__,
and use implement `let/in` expressions. See
you there!